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Journal Paper


Hoffman F, Gavaghan D, Osborne J, Barrett IP, You T, Ghadially H, Sainson R, Wilkinson RW, Byrne HM. (2018) A mathematical model of antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC). J Theor Biol. 436:39-50. PDF

You T, Yue H. (2015) Investigating receptor enzyme activity using time-scale analysis. IET Syst Biol. 9(6):268-76. PDF (black & white) PDF (coloured preprint)


Kaloriti D, Jacobsen M, Yin Z, Patterson M, Tillmann A, Smith DA, Cook E, You T, Grimm MJ, Bohovych I, Grebogi C, Segal BH, Gow NA, Haynes K, Quinn J, Brown AJP. (2014) Mechanisms underlying the exquisite sensitivity of Candida albicans to combinatorial cationic and oxidative stress that enhances the potent fungicidal activity of phagocytes. mBio. 5(4):e01334-14. PDF


You T*, Ingram P*, Jacobsen MD, Cook E, McDonagh A, Thorne T, Lenardon MD, de Moura AP, Romano MC, Thiel M, Stumpf M, Gow NA, Haynes K, Grebogi C, Stark J, Brown AJ. (2012) A systems biology analysis of long and short-term memories of osmotic stress adaptation in fungi. BMC Res Note. 5:258. (* equal contribution) PDF


Kaloriti D, Tillmann A, Cook E, Jacobsen M, You T, Lenardon M, Ames L, Barahona M, Chandrasekaran K, Coghill G, Goodman D, Gow NA, Grebogi C, Ho HL, Ingram P, McDonagh A, de Moura AP, Pang W, Puttnam M, Radmaneshfar E, Romano MC, Silk D, Stark J, Stumpf M, Thiel M, Thorne T, Usher J, Yin Z, Haynes K, Brown AJP. (2012) Combinatorial stresses kill pathogenic Candida species. Med Mycol. 50(7):699-709. PDF


You T, Coghill GM, Stansfield I, Brown AJP. (2011) Analysing GCN4 translational control in yeast by stochastic chemical kinetics modelling and simulation. BMC Syst Biol. 5(1):131. PDF


You T, Coghill GM, Brown AJP. (2010) A quantitative model for the general mRNA translation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast. 27(10):785-800. PDF


Bi X, Lin Q, Foo TW, Joshi S, You T, Shen HM, Ong CN, Cheah PY, Eu KW, Hew CL. (2006) Proteomic analysis of colorectal cancer reveals alterations in metabolic pathways: mechanism of tumorigenesis. Mol & Cell Proteomics. 5(6):1119-1130. PDF


Lo SL*, You T*, Lin Q, Joshi SB, Chung MC, Hew CL. (2006) SPLASH: Systematic Proteomics Laboratory Analysis and Storage Hub. Proteomics. 6(6):1758-1769. (* equal contribution) PDF


Book Chapter


You T, Coghill GM, Brown AJ. (2013) Eukaryotic translation initiation factor interactions. Encyclopedia of Systems Biology, Springer PDF


You T, Coghill GM, Brown AJ. (2013) Translational control of GCN4. Encyclopedia of Systems Biology, Springer PDF


Conference Paper


You T, Hong Y. (2014) Time scale analysis of receptor enzyme activity: Irreversible inhibition sometimes exhibits incubation-time independence. The IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine. Belfast PDF


You T, Coghill GM, Brown AJP. (2006) A quantitative model for the translational control of GCN4 in yeast, Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering 2007 Proceedings, 121-126 PDF



12. You T, et al. (2014) Using predictive PK/PD/efficacy modeling to design first-in-man dosing schedule for

ATM inhibitor, Science Units Symposium, Mölndal


11. You T, et al. (2014) Translational modeling for ATM inhibitor, iMED Science Retreat, Alderley Park


10. Hoffman F, et al. (2013) Optimising ADCC with Dynamical Systems and Inference, Modeling & Simulation

Symposium, Alderley Park PDF


9. You T, et al. (2013) Integrative systems biology analysis of RTK inhibitors, Modeling & Simulation

Symposium, Alderley Park (2nd best poster for best novel approach) PDF


8. Jacobsen M*, You T*, et al. (2010) A Systems Biology analysis of osmotic stress responses in yeasts, IMC9,

Edinburgh (* equal contribution; best poster award, 20/1200) PDF


7. Kaloriti D, You T et al. (2010) Analysis of combinatorial stress responses in yeasts, ICSB 2010,



6. You T, de Llanos R et al. (2010) Modeling and simulation of amino acid starvation responses in yeast S.

cerevisiae, ICSB 2010, Edinburgh


5. You T, Brown AJP, Coghill GM. (01/2007) A Quantitative Model for the GCN4 Translational Control in

Saccharomyces cerevisiae, BioSysBio, Manchester (shortlisted for the best poster award, 5/120)


4. You T, Lo SL, et al. (12/2004) A systematic method to analyze onco-proteomics data based on the Merlion

system and Gene Ontology, 3rd International Conference on Structural Biology and Functional Genomics,



3. Lo SL, You T, et al. (12/2004) Merlion: An XML system based on a practical customization of PEDRo data

model, 3rd International Conference on Structural Biology and Functional Genomics, Singapore


2. You T, Lo SL, et al. (10/2004) Merlion: A proteomics database query system, HUPO 3rd Annual World

Congress, Beijing


1. Lin Q, You T, et al. (10/2004) Quantitative proteomics investigation of colorectal cancer using ICAT and

LC-MALDI TOF/TOF MS, HUPO 3rd Annual World Congress, Beijing


PhD Thesis


You T.  (2009) Modelling and simulation of amino acid starvation responses in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. University of Aberdeen. PDF


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